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Gryphon Training
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09:27:57 11/08/2010 Jim:
11062010 Bootie Farm 6 hrs
Subjects found: 1
false indications: 0
strong gusty wind from South. Started working North to South (gridding E to W, W to E) on first leg Gryphon kept going W into stand of evergreens, I was pretty sure Subject was not that close, but the subject was right there. Gryphon found/banged/refound. Nice from trust your dog aspect, too fast from a there are 20 acres to explore aspect. Also worked evidence search for the first time. Gryphon did pretty well. Also did cadavour. The had like 8 sources in 5 acres with really gusty wind. We found 4. It was really hard, because Gryphon seemed to be working one source hard, would move as a gust happened and then become more interested further down (another source).

09:14:43 11/08/2010 Jim:
10302010 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Had subject hide within 40 yards of park bench (Lake west/hill East...strong wind from West). workded Gryphon North along path towards bench. Could detect Gryphon interest. As we got close to bench Gryphon started running up and down hill, and North and SOuth with head up trying Id the source found/banged/refound. Reallu nice watching her work.

09:07:01 11/08/2010 Jim:
again missed documenting trinings

12:19:10 10/13/2010 Jim:
10122010 Hidden Valley and backyard
Subjects Found:1
False indications: 0
little wind; subject on western hill. Worked Gryphon North to South along base of hill. At one point looked to right and saw subject. just after Gryphon got South of Subject she did a head turn, looked, and found/banged/refound. Although we were within 10 yards of subject, the scent cone must have been very directional. Also worked cadavor in back yard (under kiddie pool. Nice indication.

12:19:10 10/13/2010 Jim:
10122010 Hidden Valley and backyard
Subjects Found:1
False indications: 0
little wind; subject on western hill. Worked Gryphon North to South along base of hill. At one point looked to right and saw subject. just after Gryphon got South of Subject she did a head turn, looked, and found/banged/refound. Although we were within 10 yards of subject, the scent cone must have been very directional. Also worked cadavor in back yard (under kiddie pool. Nice indication.

12:13:48 10/13/2010 Jim:
10122010 Missing summer of trainings

08:52:30 05/24/2010 Jim:
05232010 Andre ski resort 10 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False indications: 0
160 acre day cert test FAILED!

11:38:25 05/13/2010 Jim:
05112010 Owatanna airport (CAP) 4hrs
Gave training to cadets in working with search dog teams and performed search exercises.

11:35:29 05/13/2010 Jim:
05072010 Lake Mariah State Park 6 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Cadavour: 0
NSSDN 80 acre night certification test (no GPS)-PASSED
Weather 30s and light rain and some snow with light shifting wind.
I subdivided 80 acres into a Northern and Southern areas of approximately 40 acres. Gryphon showed a lot of interest (ranging and deviating from set path in the Northern area, but we couldn't locate subject, so we moved on to Southern area. In the Southern area, other than a couple deviations, Gryphon showed little interest and at some point stopped ranging from me. We returned to the Northern region and her ranging immediately improved. After going North thru a swamp area Gryphon found, banged, refound subject beside a downed log in a camo/green sleeping bag cozie

11:46:09 04/26/2010 Jim:
04242010 Minnewashta 4 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Cadavour: 2
subject was downwind in tree close to lake in marshy area. Gryphon showed interest along road in direction of subject, but keep returning to road. Near lake she left the road and veered North 70 feet from lake. She continued North and reached an area where she started circling around. I started looking in trees and located subject. Gryphon circled closer to subject and went under subject tree twice. She then put her front paws on tree and looked up. she stepped back and sat, and then banged me, refound. Had to direct gryphon in search pattern to find second cadavour, first found in perimeter search.

11:01:46 04/26/2010 Jim:
04202010 Hidden Valley 2 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 0
Cadavour found: 2
Did sign-offs required before testing can occur. Had one subject do a short problem. Gryphon found Mary, came back and ate some grass instead of banging me right away, Mary moved and Gryphon refound/banged and refound. I think Gryphon might be finding Mary too much. Cadavour was scenario was nominal

09:25:52 04/07/2010 Jim:
04062010 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
false indications: 0
Released Gyphon North of Gazebo. On other side North of road Gryphon veared East to culvert, and then back to me. This made me look farther South-West where spotted subject behind tree. I continued in direction and we crossed the road, almost immediately Gryphon headed East again, found subject, banged, refound. Really nice.

09:07:37 04/07/2010 Jim:
04052010 Backyard
Cadavour found:1
had caddy in one of 6 backpacks hangin on North deck fence. Wind strong. Initially interest on hill, soon moved to spot West of deck, then on deck. started grabbing packs and dropping to deck and she indicated on correct bag.

09:03:43 04/07/2010 Jim:
03302010 Park 3 hrs
Did yearly 3 mile 25 lb pack walk.

09:02:05 04/07/2010 Jim:
03232010 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Subjects headed to bottom of hill and split up. We started behind the garage and headed North. In the gully Gryphon showed unusual interest in holes in area (later found out fox lives there)>at bottom of hill we headed Southwest and Gryphon took off.. I could see her stopped with her fron paws on trunk and subject in tree. I ignored this and continued in direction I was travelling. I expected her to return/bang, but she moved 20 yards away smelling and rolling, so I approached (she seemed distracted, so I asked are you working and tried to get her excited. She then ran up a downed tree up to where subject was, started to turn around and fell to the ground from about 10 feet up. She then banged me and ran up the tree again to the subject, turned (without falling) and got her reward. We headed East looking for subject two. Gryphon ranged pretty well into the wind and soon left the path, found subject, banged, and refound. Real nice except for hesitating to bang after the irst subject find.

15:40:34 03/15/2010 Jim:
03122010 St James Church 4 hrs
Subjects found: 1
Cadavour Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Started at preserve lot and headed South. Subject was in woods in tree stand. Gryphon circled around to tree, banged and refound. Also did two cadavour sources that Gryphon did really well on with spot on sit indication. Good DOG.

15:36:51 03/15/2010 Jim:
03092010 Minnewashta 2.5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Subject moved East from spot they were at for a trailing problem. Sent Gryphon North along unplowed road east of Playground. Gryphon kept checking out west as we headed North. I noted one point where she spent a considerable time sniffing around. When we got to the trail that heads up the hill to the picnic area North of outhouses, Gryphon ran up trail and then back down. Past this point Gryphon seemed to be not working a fresh source, butwe continued North to path that leade down towards lake. We went down path and headed South along foottrail. About 200 ft later, Gryphon Started actively working woods/hill between path and road. We continued South, and eventually Gryphon found banged/refound. She was so intent on using her nose, the subject reported Gryphon initially walked right by Subject. Turned out that the spot Gryphon showed interest initillly was where the subject initially hid and trail she ran up/down was same used by subject.

09:15:15 03/04/2010 Jim:
03032010 Elko 1 hr
checked out potential 60 acre training site. Owners not there so we didn't work dogs other than obedience.

08:44:06 03/04/2010 Jim:
02272010 Rum River
Subjects Found: 1
Cadavour found: 1
False Indications: 0
Worked along path in valley. Gryphon kept wanting to go to the left up the hill but out of search area. We continued along path. At some point she raced ahead. She heavily checked out well trampled area off the path with a coffee cup stuck in snow. She would leave the away . look into trees and return. I decided to continue on path to top of hill, see if she had interest and then work back. She had no interest and we worked back to coffee cup. We continued another 20 feet and veerred left onto hill. I could tell Gryphon was tracking down hte scent. She worked it for 200 yards and veered and showed interest in a downed tree. She investigated and then worked back and up the hill to tree subject had climbed and was hiding in, she banged/refound. Gryphon also worked cadavour problem (big source...donated lower leg). She worked North on Rum river ranging East and West (and rolling in snow). As we approached the second island she veered onto Island to other side and then worked the middle of island. At and North tip she stopped at cadavour and wagged tail, but I didn't see her sit. She moved off to West to base of water/hug clump of drift trees. shiffed that and returned to big source. Clearly excited I encouraged her and she sat (indication). First large source, did pretty well.

08:22:09 03/04/2010 Jim:
02232010 Hidden Valley Savage 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Snow cover 2+ feet. Released Gryphon and crossed footbridge going south. Stayed on path until reaching base of Western hill (steep tall). Gryphon showed interest, but we didn't get more than a quarter up the hill and continued South. We'd be forced down, gryphon show interest up we'd go up and then farther south. Was thinking of working Gryphon North, but wanted to see what this part of park was like. Hit a no trsspassing sign and turned around and worked the hill going north. Gryphon was more animated and ranged farther as we worked North scaling up ad down the hill. About the same point Gryphon showed her first interest, but farther up the hill Gryphon found the subject. I had just climbed and was out of breath, but continued until Gryphon banged me, and refound. Also worked Cadavour. It was at the top of a 13 foot pile of snow. She went to area that cadavour was almost immediately, but I could not see her (don't know if she indicated). I then heard another dog team working (getting reward and Gryphon started to head that way). I refocused her and we started to work the playground and Gryphon turned and went to about the same spot on snow pile and sat (indicated) right where cadavour was.

11:18:02 02/18/2010 Jim:
02152010 Backyard
Cadavor work. released Gryphon, she ran up the south side of hill. half way up she turned and made a beeline to south corner of house, and then worked to source located in columner evergreen tree.

11:15:38 02/18/2010 Jim:
02132010 Sunfish 3 hrs
Subjects found: 1
False Indications:
subject hid far West of parking lot past the park owned farmer field in forest west of field. Snow cover generally 2 ft deep, temperatures in the low teens. Was a litle worried that Gryphon would be effected by snow/cold. She did not seem bothered by cold, but may have ranged less due to the snow. We went West at the western adge of the fram field we went south. Gryphon continually headed west into the forest 10-20 feet, but would return. I asked her to check it out, but she seemed to want to go further south. when we hit a path gryphon went West and then North on other side of forest clump. Now she kept darting East. (she found the hiders previous spot) She was really animated trying to track down the scent and eventually found the subject,banged, and refound. We also worked a cadavor problem.. She uncovered the source, but was hesitant to give her indication, probably because hte source was skin? versus what she usually trains on (blood).

09:57:10 02/18/2010 Jim:
missed documenting more trainings

09:56:45 02/18/2010 Jim:
Test Taken: Northstar 160 Acre test (internal) Gryphon found both subjects and we past the test; evaluator was Wendy Deanne

09:55:02 02/18/2010 Jim:
missed documenting many trainings at St James, Sunfish, Minnewashta, etc.

15:45:40 12/02/2009 Jim:
12012009 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications:0
Short problem; subject hid in playground; very windy on hills; temps in 30s; Scented Gryphon and released her; she started s-patterning at full speed; up wind of the tunnel slide Gryphon circled back and sniffed the rubber path; then moved East, back to spot, and then to tunnel slide, banged me and refound. Also participated in Mary and Maggie 1 hour night search as field support.

15:39:57 12/02/2009 Jim:
missed logging several trainings (St James, Minnewashta)

09:54:51 10/27/2009 Jim:
10202009 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications:0
Subject laid a trail, had dogs find her and then moved. Wind was slightly gusty, but kept changing directions. departed from initial plan (go along border crosswind) when Gryphon showed interest. Noticed several branches with marking tape, so gryhon was on older scent. Let her continue. At one point field support went ahead as I struggled thru thick forest, and when I came out Gryphon went to support, and banged me. Since we didn't use a scent article, support has hidden for me many times before, and after bang she didn't run off to re-find, I did not classify this as a False Indication. After allowing her to leave the search area I called her back and we proceeded west to paint ball boundary. There Gryphon again showed great interest (this is where subject hid for trailing dogs). Called her off and we went south almost to bridge and proceeded East (sort of original plan. when we hit first bank of trees, gryphon meandered North, picking up speed. We hit the first path east and I started on it, Gryphon almost immediately left path going North again, returned, banged, refound subject (sucess). Also worked her on cadavour. Two hidden. she tracked down on and indicated. On the second one (puss?) she behaved similarly to other dogs, showing interest, but not indicating until being almost directed to it .

10:32:41 10/07/2009 Jim:
10062009 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects found:1
False Indications:1
subject was out hiding since before we arrived. Subject was somewhere to the North. We went north up the path;just north of the swamp (to west of path) Gryphon showed real interest and eventually went to the swamp clearing away and put her nose into the ground (I assume crittering) we moved North and a little west and she went up to set of bathrooms returned and banged me. I assumed it wasn't real, but I rewarded her anyway. She didn't try to refind, so I knew it was a false indication. We then went West along road and then North to path by lake. Not finding the subject, we returned south to the road and proceeded South. As we approached a culvert Gryphon showed real interest. I kept walking, and looked back to see she was really interested in the culvert, but afraid(?) to proceed, so I walked to the culvert she started to go into the culvert and I bent down to look in. I could see something in the culvert alll the way on the other side of the road (25 yards). Gryphon hesitated several times to continue in the culvert, but while whinning went to the subject, and returned throught the culvert and banged me. She ran back to the subject through the culvert, while I walked over the road. Gryphon refound the subject saw I wasn't behind her and went back through the culvert and across the road to find me and the subject. very nice

16:06:02 10/06/2009 Jim:
10032009 Rum River 4 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Moderate wind; gave subject general direction to go to hide. Gryphon and I entered area from a different direction. After clearing the first heavy overgrowth area Gryphon started runing and ranging extremely well; with a definite purpose. It got to a point that I could not hear her, but could sometimes see he orange vest. I saw her run through a large grass field, saw her stop at the base of a tree and then look back for me. I assumed the subject was no where near Gryphons position, but after she saw me, she beelined right to me; banged me and beelined back to tree (over 100 yards). I quickly followed her back to where the subject was. Best ranging I've seen from her. Also did two cadavour problems. She found one and did an excellent sit indication after identifying exactly where article was (base of tree). I restarted her and she almost immediately sat again (false)we then methodically worked area and I got her close to fire pit where she again got right to article and then did a great sit indication.

15:45:18 09/23/2009 Jim:
09222009 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects found: 2
False Indications: 0
Did cadavour first. Gryphon almost immediately went to grass covered hole and stuck nose in. She then made a bee-line for tall grass. I mentioned she has to pee and she did. After peeing she went strat back to hole stuck head in tried to paw at something in hole and indicated (sat)..success. We mocved onto other cadavour material and she worked around and around till she pawed materialand than indicated (sat). Air scent: two people hid ranged far ahead and found first person/banged/refound. I set her to work again and she stayed by me. I continued path to cover area. eventually she started ranging again and found other subject in large hole (going into hole)/banging/refinding. Wind was non-existant, and that is how she operates ranging-wise when the wind isn't present.

15:36:53 09/23/2009 Jim:
09192009 Lake Sarah 4 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Had person hide in smaller fenced portion of dog park. Gryphon and I searched the Larger part, and climbed fence to smaller part and worked North to NorthWest to take advantage of wind. At one point Gryphon left trail into tall grass about 15 yards and stopped wagging tail and trying to see over grass. I took a step that way and she found/banged/refound subject. Very nice. There was cadavour in same area so I tried to switch immediately to cadavour mode. I didn't know where it was and we couldn't initially find it. Later on I sent Gryphon out again and she did find it, but I did direct her for success. I wonder if big scent source combined with it being out there for a while made it tough for Gryphon to pinpoint. Will have to work simiar problems.

15:30:05 09/23/2009 Jim:
09172009 Rum River 4 hrs
Subjects Found:2
False Indications:0
Sent two hiders into woods. Had several challenges. One Gryphon smelled scent article of someone who was hiding for someone else (did it on her own). One of my hiders hid directly on path the other persons hiders had layed. The other hider hid on other side of path than I thought they'd be. Horses were being riden in park. So I ended up starting Gryphon within 30 yards of where both my hiders were. She immediately wanted to go on the other side of the path and I stopped her. She then apparently found the subject who was hiding on the path the scent article person had layed. I think she was looking for scent article person and didn't bang me. We then proceeded into the woods, searched the area and one the way back (I largely gave up) Gryphon again found the female subject and again continued on. I could see her travel along the marked path of the scent article hider. I recalled her and got her to find/bang/refind. We went to other side of path and she found the male, but as she turned to me, horses walked by and she paused in banging/refinding. Weird training. We later did cadavour training and she was great.

15:17:19 09/23/2009 Jim:
missing entries again!

09:53:05 08/03/2009 Jim:
08022009 Caddy indication work
did really short caddy problems, trying to get sit indication ingrained.

09:51:50 08/03/2009 Jim:
07272009 Callout
left work early and did field support work up north

09:51:09 08/03/2009 Jim:
07252009 Callout
Was headed up North, when I was recalled.

09:50:21 08/03/2009 Jim:
07252009 Rum River 5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False indications: 0
Subject was baby and scent article was a soiled onesy. Entered woods in opposite direction as subject. As we were proceeding in woods, I thought we were still quite a distance from subject, when I saw gryphon's head turn and point at an up angle at base of tall weed bank. I followed where she was pointing and could see the subject! Gryphon continued to work through tall weeds 3 to 4 foot high in s- pattern and reached subject. I waited for her to return and bang me and followed her to subject. Also had her work three caddy problems. One was buckets in woods one decoy and one caddy. She nvestigated decoy, but moved on. when she hit the caddy bucket, I could tell by tail and actions she was excited, but she didn't readily sit. Another Caddy problem was a doll in woods. She was initially way more intersted in tree 15 ft from doll (scent pooling), but eventually went to doll. he last caddy problem was in the water. She went into the water and bit at water at general location of material in water.

09:47:16 07/15/2009 Jim:
07142009 St James Church 2.5 hrs
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Very gusty winds, generally from south west. Emily and Mary hid to west and south of parking lot. On release Gryphon ranged extremely well (indicating to me good air scent conditions and she smells someone; she worked the first clearing very hard, after I caught up to her, I directed her further west, and she almost immediately jumped to a farther south trail and took off west; I caught up to her again working a slight clearing very hard, and this time she moved farther west on her own, found, banged, and refound subject. I worked her farther west and she did several head turns to the south (I think she was scenting people outside of training area. Moved farther North and proceeded East. Gryphon again started ranging quite a bit ahead of me. At one point she again jumped to a parallel trail. As I was moving to this trail, she banged me and refound second subject (initially she lead me right past subject to big mud puddle she was using to cool off/drink from, but then went to subject)
Also Working Gryphon cadavour sit indication;found cadavour...obvious tailwag and happiness, had to prompt sit

09:35:09 07/15/2009 Jim:
07072009 Backyard 0.5 hr
Working Gryphon cadavour sit indication;found cadavour...obvious tailwag and happiness, had to prompt sit

09:34:55 07/15/2009 Jim:
07062009 Backyard 0.5 hr
Working Gryphon cadavour sit indication;found cadavour...obvious tailwag and happiness, had to prompt sit

11:02:45 06/22/2009 Jim:
06212009 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Had Gryphon work a cadavour problem; had her sit and rewarded her when she showed interest. Think she understands what she needs to look for, but indication is not there yet. Had Emily hide West of lot, very little wind. Gryphon did a fast find, with a long return to bang (100 yards) and refound. very nice effort

10:58:56 06/22/2009 JIm:
Missing several searches (local and west) will try to backfill

10:56:54 06/22/2009 :
Missing many trainings;will try to backfill

08:53:53 02/16/2009 Jim:
02142009 Minnewashta 4 hrs
Subjects Found: 1*(see below)
False Indications: 0
OK, frustrating training session. Subject went out "that way"..roughly northernly direction. Wind was gusty. I assumed a reasonable search area, and Gryphon and I started out. we went North thru woods to first picnic area. Gryphon took off going into the wind NW along road and into turnaround area and up to another picnic areaon streep hill overlooking lake. Very icy area, and I put boots on Gryphon giving her no traction. in the Pavillion she tried to jump on picnic table bench, but she slipped and ran into it instead. She spent a lot of time at top of hill. I directed her W, S, N, and E of picnic area noticing ice fishers out on lake. Assumed Subject would not go much closer to lake. Gryphon showed some interest E of Picnic area, but it pettered out. I decided to go back to road and work gryphon E along top of hill . At one time we started N, but Gryphon froze when she saw/heard a truck very noisily drive on the lake ice. We continued E and started moving South. Gryphon took off SE and stopped when hearing another dog bark (Trooper). She continued this direction, stopping each time Tropper barked (I didn't know if she was tracking subject, or just heading for other searchers who I assumed were at the cars. Top of hill Gryphon runs to Loretta, Martha, and Trooper who are training in my search area! she bangs me, I reward her for find (wrong subject...sort of). Loretta then comes with me. I decide it is a waste to search between where they were and cars, so we go back to area of interest. Gryphon seems to be not working as hard, and shows little interest in area she loved before. I was frustrated, and now am completely frustrated. We work back to the cars and I stop working Gryphon. I can tell Gryphon knows I am way frustrated, which really changes her behavour. I can't find the subject, my dog isn't working, my subject is waiting forever, and other searchers are waiting to train. We send a trailing dog to try to find subject, and fail!. Turns out subject did go to picnic area Gryphon was really interested in and did stop at a picnic bench for a minute. Subject continued down towards lake. We were possibly closing in when truck spooked my Dog. So had I directed her to expand around area of interest. had we not instead found other searchers. blah, blah, we may have found subject. Argh

20:39:36 02/11/2009 Jim:
02102009 Alimagnet Park 3 hr.
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Very gusty winds from West SUbject went around ballfields and hid in woods/dropoff on other side of fields. I released Gryphon and she took off. Easy to tell she was on scent. At the edge of thesecond ballfield She broke into the woods, then out and along the path. GUessing she lost the scent when she plunged downgill into the woods. She came back to spot she originally plunged in and went further to subject who was hiding 3 ft off the ground in a tree. she returned, banged me and returned to subject. I fell in the deep snow at start of decline, and had trouble getting up (tooo slow). Gryphon rebanged me and lead me to the subject. very nice to see her range so far.

15:01:00 02/03/2009 Jim:
01312009 Hidden Valley Park 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Subject went south and around ballfield to hiding spot on megahill. Gryphon and I went North past archery range and then south along megahill. I wanted to scale to top, but ice prevented me. I thought subject was not on the hill, but hiding in valley. Surprised when gryphon hit and started working up the hill. She found the subject well away from me (really out of breath from working on megahill). As she approached, I lost my hat via tree branch and dropped the leash I was carrying. Gryphon didn't bang me right away (Probably due to my hat/leash,...) so I got organized and started to walk. SHe then banged me and refound subject. Very impressed with Hidden valley park. Hoping we can train there in the future.

14:53:30 02/03/2009 Jim:
01272009 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Mary hid in region of junked car. Gryphon used her new booties for the first time in training. Gryphon and I went in a circular route . She seemed unaffected by cold. I limited sending her into heavy snow/brush due to not knowing if booties would stay on. But did send her in several directions at major trail crossing West of junked Car. as we approached junked car, gryphon sped up and started wagging her tail. she abruptly cut into the woods. She returned, banged and refound, despite the hider moving to a different spot after the initial find.

14:46:25 02/03/2009 Jim:
Missing several trainings and one search

14:38:35 12/08/2008 Jim:
12072008 Alimagnet 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications:0
First day I worked her in 10 deg temps this fall. Was also snowing an ice pellet consistency. Subject was 2 ballfielde away hiding behind a pole. I released Gryphon and she started out ranging really well. Then I sensed that she was starting to slow up and try to favor legs. She slowed to a stop after we had only been out 5 minutes. I picked her up and carried her to within 100 feet of subject. Subject was watching and saw Gryphon hitting on scent as I carried her. On release she ran right to subject, banged and refound nominally. On way back to the Jeep she again started slowing,lifting legs, so I carried her back to parking lot. Wasn't totally surprised to cold got to her and will try to increase her cold endurance, and possibly give dog boots another try.

14:30:04 12/08/2008 Jim:
12062008 Montisippi 7 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Longer problem where subject hid from other side so we could not trail subject. At base of cliff Gryphon showed interestand started down stairs. I directed Gryphon to continue and she decended to foot bridge over stream. She crossed stream and briefly smelled hat left by subject. We continued down path and then returned with Gryphon consistantly hitting on the left near the bridge she took off and I lost sight of her after going about 100 yards into the woods. I continued in direction I had last heard her go. She then came back to me, banged me, and refound Subject. Because of the time delay I suspected she waited at subjects until she had heard me heading her way, but the subject assured me she had not. She returned immediately, so the delay was her working out the scent on her own. Very good dog.

14:20:24 12/08/2008 Jim:
12052008 Backyard 0.5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Had Emily hide in backyard. Released Gryphon at sliding door and stayed on deck. Gryphon Located Emily on hill out of my field of view. Gryphon then returned all the way back to me, banged me, and refound Emily. I was slow getting up hill, so she went back and forth several times. Wanted to see how she'd work if I stayed put, and she shined.

08:47:07 12/03/2008 Jim:
12022008 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
led gryphon downwind and at base of hill subject was hiding on. Gryphon hit and entered woods (hillside wooded) eventually exiting at bottom of hill. worked her back and forth along hill and she showed interest again heading into hill. We worked way up hill. At top of hill Gryphon worked on plateau found/banged/refound subject.

08:41:04 12/03/2008 Jim:
11292008 Carver Co park 6 hrs
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Very certification like test finding two subjects in 200 acre area. Gryphon trailed into subject one. Had to resolve Gryphon hits to direct Gryphon to area where 2nd subject is. Gryphon didn't range very well. I attribute this to my extremely poor attitude and large amount of prickly vines bushes. Gryphon still found 2 people in well less than 4 hours.

08:35:57 12/03/2008 Jim:
11292008 REI Bloomington 3 hrs
Attended SRRMN meeting.

08:35:10 12/03/2008 Jim:
11172008 St James Church 2 hrs
Did not work Gryphon. Did field support and hid. Found out I had failed Saturday test from wife after waiting two days assuming they'd email me like Sarah said.

08:31:25 12/03/2008 Jim:
11152008 Grantsburg WI 13 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Failed 160 acre Certification again!
Two hour delay before test started. Found first subject relatively fast. Region was very long N-S with wind from North and sometime West. Cars were in search zone so I took a short break at cars (assuming correctly evaluators would eat during evaluation, hoping they'd eat here instead of in field). Thinking I was supposed to display navigation skills, dog agility, stamina, and to optimize wind terrain, I didn't just run dog along trail. Was still under assumption that we only needed to find one subject because that is what the documentation stated. Certification documentation also indicated desire for longer test (requires test run at least 2 hours). About2-3 hours in I detected Gryphon hitting traveling northernly direction. Checked out east and west of hit (apparently Gryphon was within 10 yards of subject 2 once). Decided to go a little farther North and Gryphon took off travelling 200+ yards and going to a hunter's (?) car looking for person. I called her off this, and started to think initial hit could have been due to hunter. left area to continue gridding and check out area on other side that Gryphon also showed interest (saw no interest, but located another hunter's SUV). Became more certain hit must have been legitament. Had to wait to evaluators to use outdoor facilities and wait to continue search in hit area due to really slow evaluator. Gryphon seemed to be not working and I was trying to get her going and test was stopped. I thought wae timed out and had a good chance to pass. I found out days later, that they had failed me at that point (crappy communication). Apparently, the goal of the test is to find the 2 subjects as fast as possible (others pass in less than two hours) and two people must be found. Since this isn't what the test documentation states, I feel a little jipped. Especially since the evaluators and I waited around for 2 hours before the test and they could have told me what their test criteria was anytime during that time. Very low point.

10:58:35 11/14/2008 Jim:
11082008 Lake Sarah 4 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Subject was hid in large area We searched into a very strong cold wind heading west. Gryphon ranged well and responded well to being redirected. I noted several times she stopped and faced NW, but did not pursue this direction on her own. After we cleared a stand of trees, Gryphon did a strong head turn to the SW and was off in a series of s patterns. She returned, banged me and refound subject who was under a tree with a cameo covering over her. Nice

10:52:41 11/14/2008 Jim:
10XX2008 St. James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 1
Mostly handler error. Had Gryphon search out to paintball away and then back to parking lot. On way back at bottom of hill gryphon started working out a scent issue. Going back and forth At one point she entered tall brush (in about 5 feet), and looked at me stared back (I should have directed, encouraged her, or ignored her) and she left the brush and banged me. I rewarded her (my last bang reward) even though I knew she didn't find the subject. I directed her into the brush and up the hill and lost sight of her. She soon came back and banged me. I had no treats, and suspected she found nobody, and didn't really encourage her to show me (Mistake number 3 and 4). we then went back to where she first showed interest. and worked different directions from there. This again lead us up the hill where she dissapeared from view. She again got out of sight, returned and banged me. I encouraged her to show me (no bang treat) and she refound subject who was in a cardboard box. Gryphon went right in the box. Subject told me Gryphon indeed found her earlier and touched the box (second bang that I largely ignored)

08:01:11 10/14/2008 Jim:
10112008 St. James Church 2.5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Subject stayed hidden after Maggie. I worked Gryphon in from a different direction than subject or previous searchers used, as to not allow Gryphon to trail in. Subject was West and South of junked cars. Nice wind and a sunny day. Worked Gryphon to junked car and West. Apon reaching first path South Gryphon took off South. When we caught up to her she was working the general area of subject pretty hard. I was able to direct/redirect her without a problem. A little different scent pooling was going on because after reaching the subject area she stayed within 100 feet of subject, but it took her longer than it normally does to zero in from that range. After she found the subject, she banged and refound her nominally.

12:32:42 10/09/2008 Jim:
10062008 Gryphon Injured
Gryphon got several ticks during the tests. One really stubborn tick took a Vet visit to get totally removed. Even they had a problem, so Gryphon has a bald spot and a staple in her neck. I am supposed to keep her clean and dry for 10 days, so we may not do much training.

07:56:16 10/06/2008 Jim:
10042008 Near Grantsburg WI 13 Hrs
Subjects Found: 1 (out of 2)
False Indications:0
Got up relatively early to drive out and meet up with subject at 7:30 am in Grantsburg WI. Got very little sleep, was really hoping for a nice clear day, with good wind, and searching with gryphon along the highpoints of a 160 acre area. Instead it was rainy-drizzly cold with shifting light wind. Was incredibly happy Gryphon found the first subject (Sheila - We got Gryphon from her (Puppy Porch) and she was nice enough to come out and hide for us - very nice). Gryphon and I did our best. We had to wait till after Loretta's trailing test (5 or 5:30) to find out we failed. Very happy with our effort considering everything, and very disenchanted. Will have to let this sink in.

07:33:58 10/06/2008 Jim:
10042008 Near Grantsburg WI 17 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications:0
Rode with Emily early Saturday morning because she needed to observe trail laying for Loretta's Evaluation. Got to location around 10:00 am. Had to wait around there doing very little until 7:20 pm, when Gryphon and I started out to find testing site based on a map given to us. Things went well until I missed Country One road off of River rd. My short trip turned into an 1.25 hour struggle to find the testing meeting place. Very agitating and nerve racking knowing someone is out hiding for you, two people are waiting to test you, you can't find where they are, and you aren't 100% sure you can even find your way back to where your wife is. On my fourth or so time down Evergreen I was about to turn around and try get back to Sarah's, I noticed a touch of green on GPS (started using it after a while). Thinking green was forest/park and the meeting place was near a campground, I turned around and found place. At this point I am really agitated. Gryphon reads people really well,and trys to fix things. So I know she is really stressed out. And we are starting between 1 and 2 hours late. Only comment on test is that I knew Gryphon (long day, crazy ride, other) would not be her best. But I knew she'd do the best she could. We passed the test! Then because of nondisclosable reasons we drove back to Burnsville. I got to bed sometime after 1 AM.

12:16:44 10/03/2008 Jim:
10022008 Rum River 4 hrs
Did obedience and socialization training, while Emily and Goblin took their cretification tests.

13:20:56 10/02/2008 Mary Hager:
Great job Jim, good notes on how she handled a subject that moved.

13:05:10 10/02/2008 Jim:
09302008 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Had Boy scout for field support. Did hasty search along trail heading west. Came to field at Northern edge. Gryphon started showing really good interest, and ranged back and forth and in circles, I worked her a little South where she continued (more excitedly) to weave through tall grass in field. Eventually She worked West and into treestand at base of paintball area. She left field of view returned/banged/refound, and jumped on subject who was laying precariously balanced on tree branches.

14:01:49 09/30/2008 Jim:
09272008 Minnewashta 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Headed Norht and worked with Gryphon along different terrain,, path, gravel road, moved field, light wood and heavy wood. recalled Gryphon when we encountered a couple walking a dog. Also recalled her near playground area (family playing). Nominal find, bang, refind.

10:07:03 09/26/2008 Jim:
09252008 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Started With Gryphon without subject in search area, working on directing Gryphon, longer problem, and ranging. Gryphon went as directed. Gryphon ranged well, even in high grass, and never just walked behind me. Head consistantly up. Noticable wind. Subject was placed. Could read when Gryphon picked up and was tracking down subject location. Lost sight of her briefly, and then she came back full speed and banged me. I rewarded her and she reversed direction. She stopped (dropped treat) I helped her locate it and she went off again. She went to a spot and stopped and shaked. She then continued to work field away (about 30 yards) to subject. She then re-banged me, returned (led me to subject. Found out that Subject MOVED after initial find. So point Gryphon stopped and shaked was where subject was. Subject moved after find, so Gryphon had to track down the subject again. Really cool

09:55:14 09/26/2008 Jim:
09232008 Training Cancelled due to lightening

09:54:37 09/26/2008 Jim:
09202008 Callout field support

09:54:09 09/26/2008 Jim:
09192008 Callout field support

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
08/12/2008 Minnewashta
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
08/02/2008 Sand Dunes South
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0

12:59:48 07/24/2008 Jim:
07/21/2008 CAP 1 hr
worked obedience at CAP meeting

12:59:00 07/24/2008 Jim:
07/19/2009 Pine City 14 hrs
Attended Firearm safety class. NSSDN meeting cancelled. Followed by shooting at gun range. Took Gryphon out while others shot a 357 revolver. She would sometimes jump with the shot, but did not seem stressed out about it. Followed that with talk given at Cass County Fair. Gryphon was able to sniff a month old calf, and was a littl wary of the spinning noisy fiar rides. The day was a keeper.

12:54:07 07/24/2008 Jim:
07/16/2008 Minnewashta 3 hours
subjects found: 1
False Indications: 0
had subject head down trail to hide somewhere. Gryphon and I circled around the woods on gravel road(to grid from downwind. As we circled Gryphon entered the woods briefly at 2 points. We started our first downwind leg. I could see Gryphon was heads up trying to figure out a scent. As we neared the end of the leg Gryphon entered the woods. I proceeded out of woods and around to picnic clearing and could hear gryphon's bell in the next stand of trees and saw her at subjects hide spot. She returned, banged, and returned to subject. Very cool that she zeroed in on the subject who was thru the woods, a clearing and into another wooded area.

12:40:32 07/24/2008 Jim:
07/15/2008 Callout Field Support

12:40:03 07/24/2008 Jim:
07082008 Northern demo 7 hrs
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Participated in demo held at a nothern lakeside (water rescue training). Did two very short runaways. Had scent article. Gryphon found banged refound as normal, except on the second demo the hider went further into the woods and wasn't stopped when I started Gryphon. So Gryphon first checked (via nose) cut the hider had made to hide in the first demo, then continued to find the subject. Since the subject was still moving, she banged me, returned to where the subject was, and then found where the subject eventually stopped at. Very Cool. mosquitos were aweful

12:25:40 07/17/2008 Jim:
07102008 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Emily hid by Junked car. Started Gryphon By powerlines, down hill and west on path, directed Gryphon into woods on both sides of path periodically. She seemed slightly intersted South of us. when we reached field, I directed her East. She heads up air scented into Emily, at first checking out rise to south of Emily and then to Emily, banged me and refound

10:01:05 07/08/2008 Jim:
07012008 St. James Church
Had dogs Maggie, Goblin, Seth along with Gryphon, and Mary, Bob (emily's cousin), and me in back of pickup for dog transport signoff. Dogs largely didn't care, although Gryphon, standing nearest the tailgate, seemed to really enjoy the view when Emily backed the truck up. Also, Goblin complained and seemed to be trying to ride up front with Emily. Before the ride I tried to get Gryphon to jump up to the open tailgate. She'd crouch way down, ready to jump, but would then revert to putting her front paws on the tailgate and wait for help. After, the signoff was over and the dogs and people cleared the bed of the pickup I was able to entice Gryphon to jump into the pickup bed several times.

13:03:10 06/26/2008 Jim:
12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
06272008 St. James 3 hrs
Teri sign-off

06242008 Callout Field Support

13:02:38 06/26/2008 Jim:
06202008-06222008 Gryphon mending injured tail

07:37:57 06/19/2008 Jim:
06162008 Callout Field Support

07:37:45 06/19/2008 Jim:
06152008 Callout Field Support

07:37:34 06/19/2008 Jim:
06142008 Callout Field Support

07:37:23 06/19/2008 Jim:
06132008 Callout Field Support

13:23:21 06/11/2008 Jim:
06102008 Yard
Subjects found: 1
False indications: 0
Emily Exited garage and hid, I deployed Gryphon from the North deck. Gryphon Ran along middle of hill to South and downhill fence next to garage. She stopped and looked at little garage door and then returned and banged me, she returned to fence area. Emily was hiding outside of fence against garage, just as Gryphon indicated.

13:19:03 06/11/2008 Jim:
06082008 Callout Field Support

13:18:33 06/11/2008 Jim:
06072008 Callout Field Support

11:19:03 06/04/2008 Jim:
06032008 St James Churhc 2 hr
Subjects found: 2
False indications:0
Subject and Emily went to area of junked car and hid about 35 ft apart. I started Gryphon (scented subject, nto Emily) straight west from parking lot. The wind was gusting from the NE. About 100 ft in gryphon veered N after a gust of wind. She then returned to W direction I was walking. The wind gusted again (about 140 ft in) and Gryphon veered N and a little E, stopped head up, and then returned to W path. At the next wind gust Gryphon Took off N and then E. When I caught up to her she was at the base of hill/edge of woods almost directly downwind of where hiders were. I suspect the hill and woods was blocking scent. Gryphon went N, W, E, S trying to pick up the scent. when she got a little farther S and E, she took off into hill/woods. She found Emily and banged me. I asked her to continue working and she returned to Emily. I asked her to continue working and she went to subject and banged me. I rewarded her and she lead me to Emily. I ignored her, she banged me again and returned to Emily. I started to walk to subject and she ran to subject, I rewarded her find.
Was able to also get tested on stay/recall 5 minute stay, directing Gryphon, and letting another member take Gryphon. 5 minute stay was attempted more than once. One time Maggie ran up to and around Gyphon and Gryphon stayed put ...until she could not help being distracted. The second time she never really stopped moving towards me. The last time she waited the full time, tolerating Emily quitely keeping time, Maggie and Mary working,me moving around slightly, and a guy walking behind me who commented that he has trained two labs and what Gryphon is doing is quite impressive. Very good doggie!

10:56:52 06/04/2008 Jim:
Thanks. I was very happy that Gryphon did so well at last nights training

14:50:52 06/03/2008 Mary Hager:
Good job Jim!

09:19:20 06/03/2008 Jim:
06022008 Yard 1 hr
Worked on directing Gryphon, and Gryphon jump into bed of Dodge Ram 4x4. She mostly put her front paws on tailgate and seemed to want a boost. Got her to attempt jump 5 times; she made it with no help 2 times, made it with help 1 time and struggled/failed 2 times.

09:14:49 06/03/2008 Jim:
06012008 Callout Field Support

09:52:28 05/30/2008 Jim:
05262008 Callout Field Support

09:52:09 05/30/2008 Jim:
05252008 Callout Field Support

09:51:57 05/30/2008 Jim:
05242008 Callout Field Support

09:51:44 05/30/2008 jim:
05232008 Callout Field Support

10:01:13 05/21/2008 Jim:
05202008 Minnewashta 2.5 hr
Subjects found:1
False indications:0
setup nearly identical to 05172008. scented Gryphon off shirt in bag (Emily hiding). Released Gryphon, who ran full speed in a larger S pattern than before. near woods she veared N, then W up the hill and into the woods - she shooked just before entering woods. I was walking and quite a bit back, and did not know if she found subject or not. Gryphon rturned to edge of woods with head down and ran a loop to the S and E. seemingly trailing. after the loop, heading E she looked up, saw me, returned to me and banged me. She then ran back the looping way back to the woods and stopped about where she had come out. I was starting to question whether she had located the subject, and asked her "are you working?" She then looked into the woods. I could see Emily about 15 ft into the woods directly where gryphon was looking. Gryphon then went into the woods and touched the subject. Emily confirmed that Gryphon had in fact located her before returning and banging me. Gyphon used her nose to find the subject and seemed to also use it to return to me, pretty cool.

08:02:38 05/19/2008 Jim:
05172008 Minnewashta and meeting 4 hrs
Subjects found: 1
False indications:0
Was weekend with hundreds of girl scouts and mothers camping, so finding a area without a lot of human scents very hard. Jeanna hid in woods near barb wire fence across large mowed field. I scented Gryphon off of Jeanna's base posessions, walked Gryphon across gravel road (lots of traffic) and released her. Gryphon ran off and started doing large S patterns across field with her head down that consistantly decreased in amplitude (zeroing in on trail?). About 50 ft from start of woods Gryphon seemed to straighten path and work with head up. She went up the hill to treeline and downhill in woods 25 ft to subject, she paused (2-5 seconds), then returned, banged me, and refound subject. Very interesting that A) she seemed to be discriminating scent (cool) B) sort of skip trailing and air scenting. Very neat watching her work it out. Had Northstar meeting after training

07:53:56 05/13/2008 Jim:
05102008 Rum River 2 hr
Subjects found: 1
False indications:0
wind direction not constant. Emily hid in defined area released Gryphon along NtoS line. She took off full speed and was out of site in seconds. After going abour 300 ft I called her back. After a slight delay she returned from the S (disapeared heading W). We continued S Gryphon showed interest in a cleared area to the W. We continued to the S border moved E 75 ft and headed N. Gryphon again showed interest in same area. I looked E (sometimes upwind of clearing) to gauge a path (thinking subject may be due E). Loretta my support said Watch your dog. I turned to look W, but stopped practically dead N because my dog was N about 50ft (must have moved pretty fast) she was narrowing down a scent at forested area at edge of clearing. Gryphon located subject, banged me and returned to subject!

09:00:20 05/09/2008 Jim:
05092008 neighborhood 1 hr
Did 3 mile with 25 lb. backpack with Mary, Emily, Kevin, and Emily's cousin Bob and dogs Maggie, Goblin, Gryphon, Seth.

08:57:31 05/09/2008 Jim:
05062008 St James 2 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications:0
Rain/drizzle with very little wind; Was not given specific region to search, so I defined boundary on own, Had a boy scout provide field support (boy scout badge req.) Scented Gryphon and headed NW, at junked car turned W, noted that Gryphon showed some interest just after turn and about 50 ft beyond started to move SE, continued W to paintball area and had Gryphon briefly go into area (no interest) Gryphon headed South, I called her back after she was out of self defined boundary. we proceeded E about 50 ft S of previous E-W cut. when we got almost to area that Gryphon first had interest Gryphon took off towards tarp lying on ground. Gryphon returned, banged me and returned to lumpy tarp. I asked her to touch and she stepped on lumps and someone groaned. Subject found!

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
05042008 Blackcap Redwing 7 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Participated in presentation and demonstration;nominal find, bang, refind, while gridding

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
04222008 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Thought search area was smaller than it was. Gryphon left area, returned, banged me, and let me to Subject.

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
04152008 CAP 5 hrs
Dog Socialization exercise

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
04082008 Minnewashta 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
03292008 Lake Mariah 5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Worked Ski path along ridge, reached search boundary and switched to North-South Ski Path At valley area Gryphon showed interest back and forth mostly on the West side, we left path and Gryphon soon took off full speed up a hill out of site, she returned, banged me, and refound subject who was in a sleeping bag

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
03232008 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0

11:59:47 03/17/2008 Jim:
03152008 Sunfish 2 hr
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 0
Subject, Autistic young adult Justin, hid with Jeana; Gryphon was the second dog to work and Justin was cold, so I scented Gryphon, and started her along the same trail we had seen them go out on; Gryphon ran down the trail slowing and dropping her head (trailing-like) about every 30 feet, until she lifted her head veared NNW off the trail thru woods and to other side of hill and found Subject; she ignored Jeana; touched Justin and then returned and banged me and refound subject; Because I was well back, she started of to re-bang me just as I got close. Our starting point was just where 2 parallel paths split (subjects had taken N upwind path that we did not travel on) With more time, I may have started differently.

14:16:04 03/13/2008 Jim:
03122008 Knob Hill Park 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Subject hid behind tree on top end of steep E-W ridge; Scented Gryphon and climbed to top of steep E-W ridge just to North of subject ridge; worked gryphon west along ridge; very slight sse-nnw wind; roughly downwind Gryphon stopped moved back and forth on ridge and then plunged down slope and then up steep slope to subject (curved path); banged and refound; Neat seeing her work out problem, and watch her rush to subject

14:07:58 03/13/2008 Jim:
03112008 St James Church 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Light wind; subject hid south of paintball area; expected subject to be to the east on other side of field; released Gryphon at parking lot after using scent article; when we hit field Gryphon headed West, but I called her back (take advantage of wind); Going South Gryphon intercepted subjects trail, determined direction of travel, and then headed west; Gryphon air scented across field headed south and then west into woods; She paused in woods after locating subject; huff barked once; waited me to get closer and then approached subject; banged and refound; Not a long problem, but felt I read Gryphon pretty well; she went nearly full speed throughout search

13:59:14 03/13/2008 Jim:
Will attempt to at least list missing entries

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
03012008 Sand Dunes South
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
02262008 Minnewashta
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
02162008 Minnewashta
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Subject on skis; Long winter problem; Called Gryphon back when another Skier went by (and waited for field support to catch up, nominal find/bang/refind

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
02142008 Knob Hill Park
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Cold; Subject hid uphill of hockey rink; apon arriving at spot, Gryphon was really interested in inside of rink; worked it out that subject was behind on hill found/banged/refound;Carried Gryphon back because of cold

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
02122008 Minnewashta
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
02092008 02102008 Bloomington: $15 Obed. Class

12:00:00 10/02/2008 Jim:
01142008 St. James Worked Gryphon, but she started lifting paws (very cold) so I stopped working her.

14:08:56 09/24/2007 Jim:
My master plan


F1) No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy - Marshal Helmuth Von Motke

F2) Probability of detection is unknowable - Jim Heimerl

F3) Rick Slattern Search Management class

F4) Garbage in, garbage out - many

F5) A perfect process can result in a poor product, and a horrible process can result in a perfect product - Jim Heimerl

Catch phrase:

CP1) No Search plan survives a search sortie result - Jim Heimerl


S0) Determine a search perimeter based on available intel, roadways, maximum travel estimated, etc.

S1) Schedule and run roving pickets on roads, paths, rivers, railroad tracks, powerlines, cliff tops; assign resources appropriate to task, can reassign as resources change

S2) Create Decision Zones based on decision boundaries - where a person makes a descision apon encountering; (e.g. cliff, river, road, path, powerlines, vegatation change, etc.)

S3) Brainstorm subject scenarios (will help in following step)

S4) Assess the likelihood of subject being in every Decision Zone

S5) Divide each Decision Zone into Searchable Regions and assign them the same likelihood grade as the Decision Zone

S6) Assign Search Teams to search a Searchable Region (sortie) based on likelihood grade

S7) Process any external Intel data

S8) Brainstorm subject scenarios based on Sortie results + and external data

S9) Re-assess the likelihood of subject being in every Searchable Region

S10) Assign Search Teams to search a Searchable Region (sortie) based on likelihood grade

Repeat S7 to S10 or S3 to S10 or S0 to S10

10:57:59 09/24/2007 Jim:
09222007 and 09232007 St Cloud 26 hrs
Search Management Class presented by Rick Slattern of St Louis County Search and Rescue.

19:11:34 09/19/2007 Jim:
09182007 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False indications: 0
subject hid 40 yards from the base of a steep hill. I scented Gryphon and released her near parking lot. Gryphon spent significant time at top of hill, then went down center of hill in an s pattern. She continued North at base of hill, and then started eating wet grass (suspect Gryphon was very thirsty). got back to work and zeroed in on subject, banged, and refound.

19:05:52 09/19/2007 Jim:
090172007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Subject left Shirt near parking lot. I scented Gryphon off shirt and released her. She ran in s pattern to subject thru 3+ foot tall weeds/prairie. found subject, banged and refound

09:48:54 09/17/2007 Jim:
09112007 Lake Elmo 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Emily went down path 250 + yards, took side path to parallel path going the other way about 50 feet and then cut into woods hiding on down slop of hill; I released Gryphon she rapidly went down path until perpendicular to subject, where she cut thru woods across the second path and thru woods downhill to subject, banged and refound.
Second event scented and released Gryphon at parking lot, she trailed along subjects path 200 yards, until cutting to subject. she then banged me while I was still over 70 yards from subject and then refound subject.

09:42:16 09/17/2007 Jim:
09102007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Had subject hide any direction from NE of junked car; Released Gryphon at parking lot. She ran full speed to subject, waited until I was close enough to hear and then banged and refound subject; very fast find. cooler weather

09:37:41 09/17/2007 Jim:
09082007 Sarah's in WI 18 hrs
Went to Cadavour seminar just to watch Goblin/Emily work; slept in truck overnight

09:09:27 09/05/2007 Jim:
09042007 Minnewashta 2 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Emily hid cadavour training material and then hid; I scented Gryphon off of a sock and then we started searching for her; it was very warm and humid. Gryphon kept circling at top of hill and going back to where cadavour was hidden. After I a while of this, I decided to move gryphon East and North of area and then work West (wind was S-N). While in wooded slope of hill, subject volunteered that Gryphon had been "close" at one point, so I altered to each the closest point of hilltop clearing. We then proceeded counterclock along the hilltop clearing (clearing about a 75 yard diameter), at the Northern point, Gryphon located subject amongst a downed tree just 20 feet south of our path. She banged and refound.

07:57:58 09/04/2007 Jim:
09032007 Minnewashta 4.5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Got items signed off on field tech signoff sheet. Got pack signoff. had subject hied somewhere between road and lake. Wore full pack in training for the first time. Scented Gryphon and released her in voleyball area heading east40 ft from road. Headed East roughly paraleeel of road. redirected Gryphon once when I thought she was too close to road. Noticed when Gryphon switched from ranging to activelt pursuing a scent source, Gryphon worked downhil, west and then back up along raven, where subject was hid in tree (light wind blowing down raven) Gryphon did normal bang and refind. Was hot and humid. Seemed ok to work with backpack.

07:47:53 09/04/2007 Jim:
09032007 Veterans Memorial cerimony at Elk River 5 hrs
Walked around, and answered questions for attendees

08:23:09 08/30/2007 Jim:
08292007 St Paul Red Cross 4 hrs
Second of two classes for CPR Adult, child, and infant.
Completed the requirements for CPR--Adult, Child, and Infant (valid for one year)

15:39:06 08/29/2007 Mary:
Hi Jim, I read through most of them a bit lengthy there. I like your thoughts on improving dog and handler. I suspect that it is way more then what you should have for a log that would be used in a court case. By the way, Gryphon did do a refind at the lake, she came to me went back to you and then swam back out to me. That counts, only Rheba and Gryphon did that. Good job!

09:07:21 08/28/2007 Jim:
08272007 St Paul Red Cross 6 hrs
First of two classes for CPR Adult, child, and infant

09:06:16 08/28/2007 Jim:
08252007 Nature reserve outside Alexandria 11 hr
Participated as Field Support for Terri/Rheba in a realistic mock search. We were the only air scent dog team, doing a hasty search in a several hundred acre area. Managed to find a footprint (not from subjects), someone placed in woods as part of mock search (but not subjects), and the subject's glove. Did not find subject (because we quit due to dog/handler fatigue, subjects were already found -twice) We were told we were close near the end (the subjects heard us talking at one point). I suspect our path was west of subjects and the wind, although really light, was west to east. The experience was really fun, learning experience, where I was able to see several areas I need to improve apon (reading gps coordinates, correlating with map, radio skills). Was useful to see another dog work. Disapointed Gryphon was not allowed to be there - due to real search callout, not mock search

08:26:52 08/22/2007 Jim:
08212007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Asked subject to hid somewhere 100 yards west not near road (Forgot map at home). It was raining hard. Subject hid under road bridge over railroad tracks. We gridded west when we reached clearing we were NE of bridge and Gryphon started heading to the bridge. Because I asked the subject to stay away from the road, I called her back. Heading North in field Gryphon showed real interest, but could not nail down source. We headed W and then South towards the bridge. Near the bridge Gryphon again started heading to the bridge and I called her off. I thought subject was somewhere in area based on Gryphon (and subject hinted as much on radio), so we continued gridding the field with gryphon showing interest at about the same E-W line away from the bridge. I started to think the subject was maybe closer to base in woods (which conflicted with unsolicited hint and Gryphon's actions), so I asked the subject if they were in the woods or in clearing. Subject then stood up. She was 40 yards N of bridge, I maneuvered Gryphon closer to her, and Gryphon picked up scent, found, banged, refound. I found that Subject had moved here. Subject was under bridge. So when Gryphon wanted to check out bridge, she was right. Assume scent hits in field were due to scent from bridge settling there. Lesson: Bring map. Trust dog let dog range out of "understood" "search" perimeter. If dog is hitting along line, do more to try to figure out source location (it was raining hard off and on, wind direction was not constant, but might be some bridge effect)

08:06:29 08/22/2007 Jim:
08202007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Emily walked along road and hid in heavy tree cover. Our field support was Bob and dog Seth. At the start Gyphon exited the field and ran towards the road (path Emily took). Because of the danger of cars, I called her back. We headed West until we approached the railroad bridge. we went closer to the road and then East. Gryphon showed interest in large clump of bushes, and I looked around and saw Emily next to tree about 20 yardss from clump. Gryphon went into and around the clump (scent pool). I called her back to Emily side of clump and she worked her way to Emily. Bob/Seth and I were over thiry yards apart and Gryphon initially went to Bob after finding Emily, she did not bang him, but then found and banged me. I think this double trip back disoriented her because she had to work to find Emily again. Gryphon refound Emily. Lesson: Do not let subject start path near/in search area and than proceed near road to eventual hidding spot, due to danger of dog picking up trail and heading to dangerous road, and having to call dog off of "live" trail it wants to follow to subject

07:46:11 08/17/2007 Jim:
08162007 Mpls. Red Cross 6 hrs
Completed the requirements for Standard First Aid (valid for 3 years)

11:12:14 08/14/2007 Jim:
08132007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Emily did a short runaway with a double back, Gryphon Found, banged, refound. Nice positive experience.

11:09:47 08/14/2007 Jim:
08112007 SAREX at Bemidji Airport 13 hrs
Subjects Found: 0
False Indications: 0
Socialized and participated in one search exercise; had 12 cadets observing air scent (5 of which were following me) in heavy 5 acre wooded area; Again I let circumstances (too much field support, too hot and muggy, under time constraint) impact methodical search, I condensed the search plan to do 3 sweeps thru woods S-N (1 acre wide) fifty feet apart, which would not have covered 5 acres. Half way thru Gryphon pursued a scent down the only clear path, after investigating (same path Trailing search team of 14 people had taken), I called the search. The goal of the search was to give the cadets an idea of field support, which was partially accomplished, but adding/replacing with a smaller area and limited field support might have been better, considering the circumstances.

10:58:41 08/14/2007 Jim:
Probability of Detection (POD) Thoughts
POD is dependent four �Search Completeness� factors:

1) Detector ability - Is missing item detectable by means used?
For K9 Search Teams: the dog is the detector, and the missing item is a person/cadaver/personal effect. Dogs have the natural ability to find items of interest using its advanced sense of smell. There are circumstances that the subject item is sealed, inaccessible, etc. such that the item is not findable, but in the search area.

2) Detector usage - Is detector looking for the missing item?
For K9 Search Teams: We need to be able to read the dog to know it is searching, and even then, we can't know that the dog is searching for the missing item. We can judge based on past experience, and guess it is, but we can never be sure.

3) Area Covered - What is the percentage of area covered by detector?
For K9 Search Teams: This depends on the wind, K9 Team coverage (handler path plus dog ranging), terrain, foliage, permission to search, time of day, and weather effects. Air scent K9 Teams strive to cover 100% of a search area, and scent theory knowledge can greatly assist here. It does not mean having the dog walk on every square foot of the search area, but using handler knowledge to position the detector in the search area, such as much of the area as possible has been searched.

4) Detector results interpretation � Does the operator recognize the detector is on to something?
For K9 Search Teams: Has the dog found the source of the scent being looked for, or has it picked up/still on the scent of the source. This boils down to how good a dog�s indication is, and how good a handler can read its dog.

These four factors make POD largely unknowable in wilderness searches, but it is unknowable no matter what search tool is used, not just to K9 Teams.

08:28:58 08/08/2007 Jim:
08072007 St Paul Block Party 3.5 hrs
Socialized and answered questions at block party that Emily gave a talk at. Attempted a short demo with Gryphon, that sort of worked (hiding on a tar parking lot with people, dogs, tables, drums, cars urban area with air scent dog, with no equipment, no special reward treat, and person hiding 20 feet away). Gryphon eventually found subject amongst drum cases (initially sniffed area within 5 feet of subject then went North 40 feet twice to people who were walking a small dog. The second time I called her back, she did search drum case area, find person and get reward). Passed out business cards and pens.

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
08062007 Waconia 5 hrs
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Building were burned down; had Gryphon scramble thru rubble of two buildings, including basement; Had a quick run-away where Gryphon found/banged/refound in less than a minute; had another person hiding; searched area and Gryphon showed interest in lake, saw snorkel, Gryphon started to go to snorkel in lake several times, but didn't want to approach when subjects head started popping up, On fourth time out from shore, with coaxing from subject Gryphon swam all the way to subject. came back and I rewarded her without requiring refind. Very unexpected to have someone hide in a lake. Gryphon handled it well I thought for her first experience.

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
08052007 backyard 0.5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Emily hid on hill under blanket, Gryphon found/banged/refound her in seconds, didn't trail to hiding spot. had no fear of blanket.

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
07242007 Waconia 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
At site with multiple buildings slated to be burned to ground searched 4 buildings, looking for two people (building B in cloest; building C in tub) Gryphon cleared buildings well. went where directed, found, banged, refound on both subjects; even jumped on Mary when she was in tub.

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
07232007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Mary had laid day old trail from near house to training area. Goblin worked the trail, and Gryphon and I air scented at church. Gryphon verified that Mary wasn't in a particular tree and then we went west to paintball tracks area. Gryphon briefly chased a rabbit, and then continued working. Plan was to search south along railroad tracks to bridge, than grid east. Near bridge I saw Emily and Goblin under bridge. At this point Gryphon took off hot on scent, I thought to them, but she turned East and North to Mary who was sitting in chair, gryphon banged and refound subject.

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
07142007 Woods near Loretta's 5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Searched woods without map or definitive knowledge of search area, GPS was spotty due to tree cover, and I did not pull out compass. My bad... Turns out we were initially well south of where we thought we were. when we got our bearings, our subject had moved from area he was supposed to be in. While we were gridding, I saw subject in distance walking in woods. We moved to cross trail of subject and Gryphon immediately ran after subject. Gryphon tracked subject until she got within 30 feet. Subject had froze with arms folded looking intimidating, and Gryphon would not approach. I walked past subject, and gryphon approached and skittered around subject. Confident, she then went back to subject, banged me, and refound. Lessons: print out a map, keep compass handier, work Grypgon in dense areas (she stuck real close when it was thick).

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
07102007 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 1
Had wendy hide in woods. Encountered Family where man claimed kids were scared of dogs. Altered search plan to avoid getting anywhere near man. Ended up circling search area and concentraiting on picnic area where I thought Wendy was. During time I started worrying about wasting time instead of formulating search plan. Gryphon gave false indication, probably due partially to scatter brained handler. Repeated search area again, instead of going thru entire area. At this point Gryphon found cadavour material, so I praised/rewarded her. Had to call Wendy to get hint to where she was (area I repeatedly did not search, and Gryphon quickly found her. Need to calm down. Need to communicate if I believe I am taking too much time.

08:32:56 07/10/2007 Jim:
07092007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Had Emily follow a round about way to get to junked car (wind from North). I scented gryphon and started her south of junked car. She ran up hill stopped and went righ and left, and back to me; then she charged over the hill around the junked car to Emily, banged me, and refound Emily

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
07072007 Backyard 8 hrs
Subjects Found: 0
False Indications: 0
slept in tent in backyard to get Gryphon used to sleeping outdoors. She seemed fine, no shaking.

08:29:24 07/10/2007 Jim:
07022007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 2
False indications:0
Emily placed Jordan in a hiding placed. I scented Gryphon, she ran full speed, and I lost site of her, relying on the her harness bell to gauge her direction, she found Jordan, banged me, and refound. It was hot and humid, so the subject was only 200 yards from POS. We tried a scent discriminization problem by having Elizabeth and Mary stand apart in a clearing and scenting Gryphon for Elizabeth. Gryphon started to aproach Mary, then turned approached Elizabeth and then charged her, banged me and re-found Elizabeth.

08:24:00 07/10/2007 Jim:
07012007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Emily placed Jordan and Elizabeth (twins) in different hiding places and than radioed me. I scented Gryphon to Jordan and we started out during our search Gryphon noticed Emily. I diswaded her "Are you working" and Gryphon did not approach Emily, bang me, and Emily joined us as field support. Gryphon continued to search, found Jordan, banged and refound her. I scented her to Elizabeth and we continued searching, she then found, banged, refound Elizabeth. Hot muggy afternoon.

10:01:00 08/07/2007 Jim:
06292007 St James Church and overnight near Loretta's 14 hrs
Subjects Found: 0
False Indications: 0
Participated as base during one hour night trailing exercise. Followed by one hour drive to woods near Loretta's house, where we hiked a half mile and did an overnight camp. Gryphon was scared of all noises initially and shook most of the night

08:13:10 06/28/2007 Jim:
06262007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications:0
another hot day, subject hid about 130 yards away. Gryphon saw subject start out. I attempted to start Gryphon from a different point than subject, to re-enforce air scenting, but Gryphon immediately existed and re-entered where she saw the subject start off. Very little wind. Gryphon was fast and I soon lost sight of her. I heard, followed sound of bell, and saw her running back and forth to subject location. Usually she shakes after getting right to subject, but this time she stopped and shaked about 20 ft away. She then went to subject, banger me, and refound subject.

08:04:17 06/28/2007 Jim:
06252007 St James Church 1.5 hr
Subjects Found:1
False Indications:0
Search MapMary laid a trail for Goblin and then I ran Gryphon. Either Gryphon would pick up the trail or we'd hasty air scent search for her. Gryphon started with head down. At the first turn Gryphon went 20 feet down the correct trail (west) backed up, went East 20 feet, backed up, went south 20 feet (and right and left), went back to correct trail, back tracked, and then plunged down the correct trail. At one point she moved out of sight, but I eventually caught up to her as she worked another turn (thank you bell!). There was no wind in woods. About 35 ft from subject Gryphon stopped and huffed (subject was sitting on ground pointed directly to us with hat pulled down). After I got close to Gryphon, she approached subject, banged and refound.

07:42:54 06/28/2007 :
06222007 South Saint Paul 4 hrs
Walked in the Kaposia Days parade as part of Puppy Porch. We got Gryphon from Puppy Porch an animal rescue organization. Their were about 15 dogs with us. Gryphon wore her search vest. She handled the crowds, music ahead, Band behind, Firetrucks behind them, and fireworks without getting frazzled. According to one 3ish parade watcher, she ate some horse poop. She handled walking to the line up spot, thru the parade route, and back to the car in the heat really well. Goblin and Emily Supported us by walking alongside. Poor Goblin was scared of the firetruck siren, and fireworks, but Emily used treats and training to get her more comfortable.

09:52:54 06/18/2007 Jim:
06162007 St James Church 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications:0
Search Map
Subject laid a 12 +hour old trail for trailing dogs. After trailing dogs ran trail, I scented Gryphon and released her. Her head was down while she worked off lead. At one point Emily called us back to a shortcut that the subject actually did not take - Gryphon was following trail of subject. She continued heads down work until we hit a second clearing where she started air scenting. shortly after she ran directly to subject stopping 20 feet away. Subject was in a chair and had hat pulled down, so Gryphon was cautious. After I got close, gryphon approached scary subject jumped in lap, banged me and refound. Interesting, because Gryphon seemed to be following a 12+ hour old trail, which she has not demonstrated before - Of course this is just speculation note it was hot and very humid

08:31:40 06/13/2007 Jim:
06122007 Minnewashta Park 2 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Gryphon seemed to be in scent cone from when we left the parking lot; I ran as fast as I could because of danger of cars; At one point Field Support yelled out so I commanded Gryphon to stop (Field support could not keep up and was warning about unleashed dogs) I continued to work Gryphon, who went right to subject, banged and refound (twice). Thinking about notifying field support that if they can't keep up, please only yell out if you want us to stop (Theory: I can't work my dog while stopping to to try to hear)

08:17:13 06/13/2007 Jim:
06112007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False indications:0
Search Map
Subject first hid for Goblin, after Goblin ran trail subject moved and Gryphon and I started off trail; when we hit clearing Gryphon started S-pattern, but stopped and trailed to spot subject was hiding for goblin; after clearing area, gryphon ran East crosswind after a distance I called her back while walikng South; she got about half way back; when she must have hit the scent cone again, she turned South and ran full speed to subject lying in tall grass, bagned and refound

07:57:57 06/13/2007 Jim:
06092007 Lakeville Airport 4 hrs
Gryphon socialized, I did field support for CAP SAREX mock search

07:56:45 06/13/2007 Jim:
06092007 Cleary Lake Park 4 hrs
How not to get lost Demo; Gryphon socialized; I did field support for Amber/Gander; Gryphon didn't work (no time)

07:53:37 06/13/2007 Jim:
05292007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 0
Was warm, with no wind, subject in place for at least 45 minutes; Gryphon stayed close, very limited ranging; almost had to stumble on subject, I think lack of wind made training difficult

12:19:54 05/25/2007 Jim:
05212007 St James Church
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 0
Search Map
Had no good knowledge of where subject was; Goblin also was interested in area; Gryphon's initial interest led me back to area, but by then Gryphon was very thirsty (didn't bring water);when we went past subject I saw subject in tree Gryphon showed a little interest on hill on opposite side of path; we continued; after meeting Emily I led Gryphon back, where she eventually found and climbed into tree where subject was (her first tree find)

11:59:58 05/25/2007 Jim:
05152007 Minnewashta 2 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 0
Subject in treeline on other side of 200 yard clearing into the wind. Did not scent Gryphon. Released Gryphon right after man walking dog walked by Gryphon started to head towards man, but after I said NoNoNo she corrected and started doing full speed sweeping S patterns. About 2/3 accross field she slowed and started sniffing ground, she then ran full speed into woods, found subject, shaked, returned/banged and refound.

11:53:44 05/25/2007 Jim:
05142007 St James CHurch

13:52:13 05/14/2007 Jim:
05122007 Rum River 2 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 0
Subject Location behind tree two clearings away from start search. Gryphon trailed and air scented to subject; at first clearing she stopped to pee and circled several times continuing to workGrypgon found subject and banged me on refind she paused safter I reached for reward before she went back to subject, so I prompted her to show me again. Near start of search there were two horses, Gryphon pretty much ignored them.

13:05:24 05/08/2007 Jim:
05072007 St James Church 0.5 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 0
Search Map
WOW. Subject hid in woods before we arived. We didn't have a search area, just a scent article. It started to downpoor and continued until after the search was complete. Gryphon ranged back and forth; head up; to an area I did not believe subject was in. She kept working and found the subject in less than 10 minutes. Amazing.

14:58:50 05/03/2007 Jim:
05012007 St James Church 1.5 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications:0
Emily hid just west of junk cars; wind was blowing from NW; I released Gryphon from trailhead; Gryphon ran full speed, head up and down; atone time she was 50 yards West of Emily, but she returned East, then North; found Emily, Banged, and refound.

10:07:02 05/01/2007 Jim:
04272007-04302007 Camp Ripley NASAR 4 days
Subjects Found: 4
False Indications: 0
Search Map
On Saturday did one area search after long delay and one cancellataion on hot day; asked for scent article for area search, they hid two people, gave us one scent article. Gryphon didn't range much and had nose down for a good deal of beginning; she did a nose up change of direction and found first unscented subject and then later largley trailed to second scented subject. Evaluator advised stepping back and doing short run aways.

Sunday started at scent boxes, started to get gryphon to do it, but on trial run evaluator didn't like who/how/when treats given on find/bang/refind, never did scent boxes

second area search, second subject bailed before start, but gryphon showed interest in where they were hiding, Gyphon showed interest in shed, but I didn't see her navigate around shed or think to search it. After area searched, evaluator asked where interest was, I said shed (scent pooling area) she said why didn't you search building, we did (circled with gryphon saw she totally knew subject was in shed and found subject in shed

Building search; Gryphon found subject in 20 seconds on her first ever try to find someone hiden in a building.

07:57:51 04/24/2007 Jim:
04232007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Search Map
Subject hid such that trailing would be unlikely; After subject was set, I scented Gryphon, wind was light, but gryphon ranged from my path, I tried to sweep back and forth crosswind, On first sweep back after clearinf stand of trees Gryphon took off West directly to subject, banged, and refound. Could really tell when she got into scent cone; fun to watch.

16:37:56 04/21/2007 Dog:
Humans make good pets. They feed us cookies, take us for walks, scratch hard to reach places, throw objects on command. I cannot understand why humans cannot smell the most obvious scents. They are so primitive.

07:46:03 04/18/2007 Jim:
04172007 Minnewashta 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Search Map
Gryphon found, banged, and refound subject. I once again didn't know the correct search perimeter. After going thru what I though search area was, I called subject for clarification. Subject was outside of bounds of what I thought I was told by another handler. Once clued in, we found the subject. Argh, I need to print out a map of Minnewashta for training..

08:50:44 04/17/2007 Jim:
04162007 St James Church 0.5 hr
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications:0
Search Map
Maneuvered so Gryphon could not track subject; Gryphon ranged back and forth,; when downwind of subject, I could tell several times when Gryphon picked up scent briefly; about 100 feet from subject Gryphon ran directly to subject, did a body shake, banged me and did refind.

08:34:46 04/17/2007 Jim:
04122007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 0
False Indications: 1
Light wind forested area; subject fell into water and never made it to search area; Despite several cell phone calls, I was unable to decipher in what area subject was (in fact I searched an area farther from subject); At one point Gryphon ran directly back to me and banged me, after giving her a reward, she just sniffed the ground in front of me, so I knew she had not found anyone (no refind); I eventually called the search off

08:38:58 04/10/2007 Jim:
04092007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found: 2
False Indications: 0
Search Map
Search 1: Subject with dog laid a trail for Goblin. After he was set, Gryphon and I were sent out from a totally different direction (see map). When we started getting close, subjects dog started barking, which made finding them easier than planned. Otherwise normal search.
Search 2: Gryphon backtracked to the car, so Goblin and Emily could trail subject. When we got back to car I sat down to wait, but Gryphon was pulling hard on leash in a specific direction. I suspected that she wanted to trail Goblin-Emily, so on leash I let Gryphon pull me, noting what Gryphon was doing (Mostly head down sniffing as she went) and what her path was. Gryphon pulled me to where Goblin Emily was see map. As we returned, I asked Emily to tel me which way she travelled out, and it was the same as what Gryphon pulled me thru

09:04:10 04/09/2007 jim:
04072007 Sand Dunes State Forest 3 hrs
Subjects Found: 1
False Indications: 0
Search Map
Male Subject wiped kleenix on body, put kleenix under stick and went to hide, walking down fire road in heavily forested area, cold, not windy day. I knew subject was west, but didn't know know how far or what the search perimeter was (my bad). I scented Gryphon off kleenix and released her at start of fire road (dirt) slight snow cover. Gryphon sniffed the ground then ran full speed down the road , pausing briefly to sniff ground every once in a while). I struggled to keep up while tring not to obstruct footprints I saw in snow. About 40 yrds from a T in road Gryphon paused went to left stopped short of heavy cover and then ran back to me. I knew she hadn't closed to subject, I commanded "are you working" are you working" and she turned and ran full speed to the T, took a left, and then travelled dow a partially cleared path paralleling the road about 30 feet from the road. I noticed her increasingly struggling to get thru heavily barbed brush path. She went directly to subject, who was about even to where Gryphon paused on the road. I was within 10 feet of her and it was a thorney area, so I didn't insist on refind. I carried Gryphon out of thorney area after find.

07:24:45 04/04/2007 Jim:
04032007 St James Church 1.5 hrs
Subjects Found:1
False Indications: 1/2
Gryphon banged me without having found subject-did continue to search after false bang; what happened: Emily hid to the west; Gryphon was out and excited as Emily left base, about the same time Loretta and Ripley started a trailing problem heading west to north to East (didn't know until after we were done). I released Gryphon, she ranged back and forth heading West, suddenly she went East, then went full speed north, I lost sight of her as I ran to keep up, By junked car, I saw her again running full speed West and then south to me, she ran straight to me and banged me. she then went slower north and then turned east and went full speed, I knew Emily was West, so I called her back (I believe she was tracking/targeting Loretta and Ripley, since this is exactly where they headed just before). I went South with Gryphon and about halfway to road, Gryphon took off full speed West (wind was gusty largely W-E) and I lost site of her. She returned and banged me, I could not see Emily, Gryphon refound and rebanged me (I made her refind and bang me for reward this time) She then lead me in to Emily. She did not Trail to Emily. Initially, Gryphon had surprised Emily by coming from the West, Emily didn't know it was Gryphon until she did her body shake deal. Analysis, maybe initial bang was to get me to hurry and follow? Immediately after she did it, I could tell she wasn't going to lead me to subject. Not sure if I should had let her continue East (and probably find Loretta). Not the first time she's lost focus when she sees/smells another dog when searching.

08:12:32 04/03/2007 Jim:
04022007 Home 2 hrs
Did 3 mile hike with 25 lb backpack in under 1 hour. Grypgon came along. Correction to previous entry was Don Slavik.

11:24:12 03/29/2007 Jim:

07:32:06 03/29/2007 Jim:
03282007 Brookyln Park Library 4 hrs
Attended Dan Slavak seminar on report writing/training log writing, etc.

13:00:43 03/27/2007 Jim:
03262007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found:1 False Indications: 0
Emily walked outside the search perimeter and circled in to her hiding spot after dropping her hat;when she radioed she was set, I scented Gryphon off her hat and we started searching; Gryphon was ranging far ahead and covering a swath of the search area, so I did not direct her until we were at the upwind bounds, we then started moving crosswind in rows back to out start; Gryphon started ranging ahead, I saw two teens ahead and thought Gryphon was out of the perimeter, so I whistled to call her back; she ignored me, turned to her left, and immediately found Emily, banged me and refound. turns out I was wrong about the search boundary and Gryphon wasn't distracted by the teens (know your search boundary, trust your dog)

12:34:57 03/22/2007 Jim:
03202007 My house 3 hrs
Participated in study session and took MSDN 100 question SAR Tech test; passed test!

07:18:23 03/20/2007 Jim:
03192007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects found: 1 False Indications:0
Mary hid into the wind; I scented gryphon and started search 15 minutes later; since gryphon seemed on scent (travelling west), I followed gryphon and didn't start gridding; gryphon paused once at a stand of trees and brush (possibly scent blocked area) she went back and forth, then around/thru and continued (seeming on scent), she ran at 2 ducks in a puddle (who flew off) then turnedwent around another small stand of trees and stopped at a cardboard box, she shaked her body than banged me, I said "Show me" and she returned to box that Mary was inside of.

06:49:34 03/13/2007 Jim:
03122007 Knob Hill Park 1 hr
Subjects found: 1 False indications:0
Wind alternated gusting from north and from West; continuous hills on East and West boundaries flat area between; started Gryphon S-N near East boundary, Gryphon would go east to top of hil then look west, never descending other side of hill and not ranging much to W, at N boundary I went 40 yards W and moved Gryphon N-S, about 2/3 from S boundary Gryphon stopped ranging back and forth, an ran directly to where subject was hiding, banged, refound.

13:44:18 03/12/2007 Jim:
03102007 Elk River Perkins 2 hrs
Northstar meeting (still not a member)

13:42:32 03/12/2007 Jim:
03082007 St James Church 1.5 hrs
Subjects found: 2 False indications:0
Emily and Lorretta did a one hour trek in woods and then hid in paintball area; Scented gryphon off Emily's sock, and started search at parking lot edge, snow 12-20 inches deep; Gryphon ranged back and forth thruout my slow walk to paintball area; Gryphon located Emily, banged, refound, at which point I commanded her to continue searching, she found Loretta about 40 feet away, banged and refound. When deep snow was fluffy, earlier in week Gryphon had a harder time than this time when top layer had hardened

13:35:39 03/12/2007 Jim:
03062007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects found: 1 False indications:0
Amber went 100 yards upwind and 20 feet into woods. Started Gryphon downwind, when she seemed past being down wind, gryphon turned and located subject, banged, refound; not sure if wind was blowing differently there or if she was trailing; Emily and Goblin had started a trail just before I started with Gryphon, I scented her off Amber's backpack, and she found Amber, so she may well be scent discriminating; will have to setup a test

11:47:42 03/06/2007 Jim:
03052007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects found:1 False indications:0
Laid a trail for Tuesday training, at the end of which subject hid; I commanded Gryphon to start searching about 2/3 thru the trail; 12-20 inch snow depth- Gryphon seemed to do less ranging and more heads up smelling; when down wind of subject Gryphon turned and headed towards subject until she hit subjects snow trail. She then followed the trail back about 5 feet, turned and headed on the trail towards the subject (trailing head in snow). Soon after, she looked up stopped,raced to subject, banged, and refound.

08:48:57 02/21/2007 Jim:
02202007 Minnewashta 2 hrs
Subjects found:1 False indications:0
120 yard run away into the wind in a field; very fast find; bang; refind

08:45:04 02/21/2007 Jim:
02192007 St James Church 2 hrs
Subjects found:2 False indications: 0
Mary, Emily, and Goblin went for one hour night sign off. At end, they both hid about 50 feet apart and called base; Gryphon and I launched a search; We scented off a Mary search article. Went into wind along edge of search perimiter and then searched upwind limit of perimeter; moved slightly downwind and across perimeter, Gryphon suddenly took off and found Emily about 100 yards away, gryphon returned and banged me; Emily told me she hadn't found Mary, so I said "keep working" instead of "show me" after I rewarded the bang. Gryphon then found Mary, banged me, and refound Mary.

08:34:53 02/21/2007 Jim:
02172007 Rum River 2 hrs
Subjects found:1 False Indications:0
Longer problem with subject in woods; Gryphon seemed to be checking out animal trials for subject scent while working generally into the wind; I followed we did not do grid pattern; seemed like Gryphon intercepted subject scent cone and beelined to subject; bange and refind nominal; Gryphon did jump on me at initial start of search, but this was more of a excited to be searching thing, not a false indication

08:28:22 02/21/2007 Jim:
02102007 Sands Dunes South 3 hrs
Subjects Found:1 False Indications:0
Northstar presented a demo and attended equipment seminar (new stuff and 10 essentials); Did one short runaway in light woods; nominal find;bang;refind

07:34:23 01/24/2007 Jim:
01222007 St James Church 1 hr
Subjects Found:1 False Indications:0
Emily and Goblin went for walk and hid 150 yards from church parking lot; Gryphon and I went in a different way; Gryphon stayed on the path about 20 feet ahead until I started gridding back and forth when we reached the perimeter, where she investigated to the right and left; I heard Goblin whine and tail rub against Emily's clothing about the same time Gryphon froze tail up looking in that direction; Instead of encouraging her to check it out, I retreated up the hillto find footing, Gryphon eventually went to source, found Emily, banged me and refound (did bang/refind 3 times - tough for me to speedily reach Emily); Next time I'll encourage her to check it out if I know she has detected a human.

15:13:23 01/22/2007 jim:
01202007 Monticello; 7.5 hrs
Subjects found:1; False Indications:0
MSDN meeting; 100 question test (failed); One runaway; Had Gryphon scent article; walked her about 25 yards and released her roughly where subject walked; Gryphon ran to another dog being trained, then forward and then, in hindsight (didn't know where subject went), seemed to track subject; very little back and forth; found subject and banged, refound

09:28:52 01/16/2007 Jim:
01132007 Minnewashta; 4.5 hrs.
Subjects found:1; False Indications:0
1 100+yard runaway successful; started down path, gryphon paused, smelled, then ran full speed down path to edge of clearing; went back and forth across path; then went right, located subject then banged and re-found; Gryphon rear pads are cut, which bothered her in the cold; NorthStar business meeting followed

11:57:16 01/11/2007 Jim:
01102007; Stillwater Washington County facility; attended NorthStar demo/talk for Washington County possee; 2 hrs; Gryphon was aggitated for preiod Emily/Goblin were absent; Gryphon growled at any dog that got within 6 inches of me, but was otherwise friendly; Weird; I had no treats on me; Gryphon was overdo for dinner (2 hrs.). After the talk outside Gryphon was ok with dogs approaching me; not sure what was going on with her.

12:37:30 01/10/2007 Jim:
01092007; St James Church; 2 hrs; determined the search perimeter; walked Gryphon to corner and released her; she moves forward 5 feet, turns 150 deg, and plunges 20 feet into woods, pauses, returns and bangs me. I don't believe her, so she bangs Mayy. Goes back to me and then plunges back into the woods at the same spot, comes out and bangs me again. I reward her this time and follow her. Search subject was exactly where Gryphon indicated....Trust your dog.

15:13:26 01/09/2007 Jim:
01082007; St James Church; 1 hr; Did not know search perimeter before sending Gryphon; other than eating some deer scat, gryphon seemed to be actively searching for subject; after 30 plus minutes, gryphon suddenly turned and ran 50 feet nearly straight to subject and then did the re-find (twice); I messed up not knowing the perimeter, which resulted in a really inefficient search pattern; I need to ask what the search perimeter is before I release Gryphon from now on

10:38:17 12/19/2006 Jim:
12182006; St James Church; 0.5 hr; Emily walked thru woods one way and hid; Gryphon and I started the other way, after using scent article and commanded to Detect; Walked roughly a straight line to where Emily was expected; Grypgon did seem to search back and forth, but did seem to just follow me at some points (encouraged her to keep working) when close to Emily (did not know exactly where she was) Gryphon suddenly took off found Emily, banged, and refound - did not follow path Emily took to reach spot

10:59:45 12/14/2006 Jim:
12122006; St James Church; 2 hrs; one short runaway; subject travelled out of site 100 yards in tree cover; Gryphon appeared to be trying to follow a trail, got to general area of tree stand then worked back and forth in to find subject; Also went out with Gryphon to find team that was returning from 1 hour cert. Unfortunately, the information on where the team was returning from was inaccurate, so we were unsuccessful.

22:17:34 12/04/2006 Jim:
12042006; St James Church; cold; distraction training had someone hide, had Emily/Goblin search for person, had someone else hide for Gryphon; Gryphon ignored other search and found/refound subject

11:49:41 12/04/2006 Jim:
12022006; Rum River Central Park; 2 hours; one short run away into woods, moninal; participated in orienteering training; found out where to check pulse on dog (inside base of rear leg about distance of thumb on outside)

11:47:17 12/04/2006 Jim:
11282006; Minnewashta; 1 hr; One 200+ yard run away; across mowed field and 20 ft into woods; Gryphon ran S-pattern thru field to base of woods, went along treeline, did abrupt head turn, found subject, banged handler, refound, rebanged (handler slow), and refound subject; on initial bang Gryphon delayed return until I talked - suspect she was either waiting for me to get closer or wasn't sure the person at night with a flashlight was me.

08:26:34 11/27/2006 Jim:
11182006; Monticello park following MSDN meeting; two longer runaways Gryphon performed well; on second runaway gryphon checked out big animal den hole near subject on refind before getting reward

08:23:38 11/27/2006 Jim:
11132006; St James Church; First search subject was dropped off at other side of training area; I forgot radio and scent article at home; Did not know search boundaries or where subject hid; Gryphon seemed to not get into the game and just followed me for large stretches; eventually found subject after cell phone communication and subject making noise (unsuccessful); following run away successful

09:47:07 11/03/2006 Jim:
11012006; Minnewashta; 1 hr; 2 night runaways; First runaway except on the refind Gryphon stopped 10 feet from subject (maybe because I started getting out the reward; On second run; subject path went one way around woods, we went the other way and started 100 yards from where subject started, Gryphon seemed confused I lead her to general area I thought subject was, she banged me, I rewarded her, there was NO SUBJECT, she continued to run off 15 yards, return and bang me, I didn't reward since there was no subject; I ignored these false bangs; after I was confident the subject wasn't in area I expected, I moved to similar area in park; Gryphon immediately found subject, banged and refound; Subject and I misscommunicated on hide location, not sure why Gryphon banged without finding subject initially, probably confused about game

07:26:10 10/31/2006 Jim:
10302006; St James Church; 1 hr; 2 night run aways; with lighted collar I could follow her groundtrack; one the first she took off into the wind and ran full speed to subject, walked on subject, returned/banged and re-found; For second run away subject took a round about path and hid in tree in wooded area, on release gryphon ran in direction of where subject was, hit wooded area, ran back and forth (5 times), advanced to tree, returned to handler, banged and refound subject, Gryphon didn't follow path of subject; In both finds Gryphon does a body shake before returning for bang.

14:19:54 10/19/2006 Jim:
10182006 St James Church; 15 minutes; Had subject (Emily) already hidden via way different route before arrival; Gryphon stayed close during search until she suddenly raced down path at a fork (perpendicular to wind, she stopped and raced back to fork, stopped and raced back down the same path.She stopped at the same place. Then she headed into the wind (off path) until she wasn't downwind of subject, and then found subject, banged, and returned.

14:14:25 10/19/2006 Jim:
10172006; St James Church; 2 run aways; On the first one Gryphon saw subject leave, I started search at different heading-location than subject start, Gryphon ran out to where subject started and followed subject's path to find; On second attempt we started on other side of wooded area than subject start, gryphon took off and I lost site, I circled area and whistled periodically, Gryphon found subject waited until She heard me whistle, and then banged and re-found

07:30:04 10/17/2006 Jim:
10162006; Behind house; 2 run aways having Gryphon start away from subjects path; successful Gryphon still seems a little unsure; will work on getting her into the game before launch

14:55:51 10/10/2006 Jim:
10092006; St James Church; had subject hide while Gryphon was distracted and started Gryphon away from subject start; Seemed like Gryphon picked up trail on path and then followed path, instead of where scent went (gryphon ran full speed) on second walk through away, gryphon successfuly found subject; On second runaway Gryphon found subject after searching several areas at a branch

09:21:24 10/05/2006 Jim:
10042006 backyard; had Emily go out front door go around house and hide in backyard; took gryphon out the other way leashed and with my Search belt and scent arcticle; had Gryphon sniff article, and released her with Detect command. She hung by me as I started to walk the yard, I ignored her; after 30 feet she sprinted around the house and then back up the hill to where Emily was hiding, banged me and refound Emily; Was our first attempt at getting her to search without seeing the subject run off.

13:05:48 10/04/2006 Jim:
Training from Wendy

Keep varying the length of the search. Do a longer one then a few shorter ones.

Are you having the subject go hide without her seeing them go? If not, then start with that. Short problem. Leave her in the vehicle and make sure she can't see them leave (maybe have them hide before you even get there). Make it very short so that she will scent them almost as soon as she gets out of the car.

If you are already doing that, then start increasing the time she is in the field, but make sure you throw in ALOT of short problems as well to maintain her refind especially.

Always know where your subject is so if you see your dog starting to get TOO frustrated ( a little is ok), then change your search pattern to allow her to be successful more quickly.

ALWAYS end on a good note. If she ever really blows it on a short problem, don't praise her a huge amount, just have your subject take off after you get to them and do another quick, motivational run. If she does well on that, end it there. It may just be a bad day kind of thing :).

Keep working the obedience, directionals, play, leave it (for those distraction moments).

12:05:46 10/04/2006 Jim:
10032006 Minnewashta; 1.5 hours; 4 runaways; Gryphon continues trend to not re-sniff scent article after the first runaway; wooded area training; Gryphon did more back and forth in find than it seems in open area training; all runaways nominal

12:01:34 10/04/2006 Jim:
Training From Wendy:

You explained it correctly the first time...backchaining.

Teach the last thing first and work the other way so that the dog goes from weak (doesn't know it quite as well yet) to strong (practiced this so many times that they have it down pat).

For the air scent dogs it would be:

*Teach the indication (separate lesson)

*Teach the show me (in sight, just making it fun to go to people and handler tags subject when they arrive so dog understands that nothing happens until all 3 are together (dog/handler/subject)).

*Put the indication and show me together

*Let dog be near subject, put the recall, indication, show me together

*Let the dog do a find, recall, indication, show me.

Ta Da! A search dog :).

08:01:30 10/03/2006 Jim:
10022006 St James Church; 1 hour; 2 run aways followed by socialization with Louie; Ran to try to stay close to gryphon during finds; One second find, Gryphon clearly air scented in to subject (did not follow path subject took through woods); successful runaways, had no accompanying support. Gryphon rolled in mud during playtime to keep cool(?)

08:06:21 09/26/2006 Jim:
09252006 St James Church; 1 hour; 2 run aways; both the longest distance to date; Gryphon ran a full speed, circling several times until out of site, after Gryphon found subject she left and returned to subject, she seems to want to stay near subject until handler is within visual/Ear range before returning to bang, Both times Handler and observers were (wrongly) convinced Gryphon was going the wrong way. Two points, will try to keep closer to Gryphon (have to run), will try to have support stay close to handler (on second bang Gryphon paused before banging handler, and followed it up by banging support..confused(?)

09:19:55 09/20/2006 Jim:
09192006 St James Church; 1.5 hours; 3 run aways; All full speed; about 30 percent longer distant than usual; first two nominal; On the third Gryphon didn't get closer than 15 feet on initial find and overshot re-find; there was an unknown dog off leash that was being called by its owner and the dog did approach within 5 feet during the (what I thought was the) bang (I stood between them); either unknown owner calling dog, unknown dog, or excitment of encounter probably effected one or more parts of third run away (subject was still found)

22:25:19 09/18/2006 Jim:
09182006 St James Church; Gryphon's first training in the rain; didn't seem to effect her; Both run aways involved making her use her noise to locate subject, both successful

16:36:53 09/12/2006 Jim:
09112006 St James Church 1 hour three runaways with subject switching path out of site; first two shorter - Gryphon behaved nominally; Subject (Mary) noted Gryphon on initial find Gryphon Sniffs subject before returning for bang; Third was longer noticed gryphon go about five feet down wrong fork turnaround go to start of correct fork stick head down and sniff and then proceed to find subject-successful; Gyphon still working at full speed

08:12:13 08/23/2006 Jim:
08/22/2006 Minnewashta; 2 hours; Agility and obedience followed by two runaways, a break and then 3 runaways; Scent article utilized; subject forced Gryphon to use nose; First two run aways successful; first one was short (30 yards) second was about 130 yards; Gryphon ran back and fourth across field/hills/woods for find; After break Gryphon didn't seem ready, paid attention to Goblin and Emily versus Working; two (short 30 and 20 yards)run aways failed; very-short (15 yards)confidence building runaway done at end; I knew she wasn't into it, and probably need some way to motivate her or stop attempt(??)

08:03:20 08/23/2006 Jim:
08/21/2006; St James Church; 1 hour; 3 runaways utilized scent article at start; subject hid such that Gryphon had to use nose to find; all three successful; On the last subject was laying down and Gyphon walked on subject, sniffed, and then returned to handler

08:16:28 08/14/2006 Jim:
08122006;Minnewashta; 3hours; four runaways; subject altered path out of site for all 4 trials; had gryphon smell scent article before all 4 trials; first 2 subject ducked right into woods, gryphon used nose to detect subject; third trial longer distance subject went left behind hill; Gryphon backtracked and did semi-head down circling pattern; after getting downwind went directly to subject; fourth trial subject went over hill and into woods; gryphon traveled along treeline until she hit where subject entered; all trials subject found bang successful and refound; Grypogn did not loiter at subject; no eye contact seems to be working

14:00:02 08/09/2006 Jim:
08082006; Minnewashta; 1.5 hours; 3 runaways; Dave observed Gryphon relying on sight for find; Second Dave ducked into woods forcing Gryphon to use nose; Dog wandered thru training on third runaway, Gryphon was totally distracted, she just sniffed the ground, Eventually found Dave. Will make future training to force Gryphon to more nose work and incorporate scent articles

08:20:30 08/08/2006 :
08072006; St James Church; three runaways; Gryphon immediately banged after find. On re-find she changed her path around storage bin, stumbled and stopped. I called Show me show me and she continued refind. Second runaway find, re-find nominal. Third was nominal also, except Gryphon paused half way through returning for bang (I think she was tired, I was 100 feet away, and she decided to rest while I got closer)

07:36:07 08/02/2006 Jim:
08012006; neighborhood park; demonstrated runaway at National Night Out (part of Emily's presentation); Gryphon seemed very confused (people-food?); she found subject and banged, but then looked scared and didn't re-find (scared of umbrella??)

08:49:12 07/31/2006 Jim:
07292006; Sunfish lake; 2 hours; socialization followed by two runaways, followed by obedience, followed by one runaway. First runaway Gryphon overshot subject on refind; second runaway Gryphon didn't bang until I was close; One the third runaway Gryphon stayed with subject so I shuffled feet as I walked by and she banged right after I started shuffling. Not sure if socialization or heat caused lapses. May investigate making noise periodically during search to see if she'll bang more immediately.

13:57:18 07/28/2006 Jim:
07272006; Nob Hill Burnsville; 1 hour; 2 runaways; First one Gryphon ran down clearing that subject traversed, overshot where subject cut off, turned around, found subject, banged handler, and refound. Second runaway was similar, but farther distance, gryphon stayed with subject until (we think) she heard handler, she then banged and re-found.

08:14:12 07/26/2006 Emily:
07252006; Minnewashta; 1 hour 30 minutes; agility, obedience, 2 runaways; First runaway Gryphon didn't bang right away, but eventually did without being prompted. Second runaway had distractions of runner with dog off-leash come through, then cars going each way. By that time I had lost track of my hider. I released Gryphon and she went to subject immediately, then indicated correctly without prompting, upon refind she went to subject and turned left instead of right. When I asked her "show me?" she touched subject's hand and I immediately rewarded her. Great speed when you release her and distractions didn't seem to affect her search training.

08:32:38 07/14/2006 Jim:
07112006; Minnewashta; 2 run aways; On first run away was pre-occupied with leash and getting treats, subject walked off without exciting dog and I wasn't sure gryphon knew what was going on. When ready to go Emily came out of woods. Gryphon orientated to Emily, so I thought she'd find Emily and not the subject. On release gryphon ignore Emily and started hunting for subject. Went to where subject entered woods (not sure if saw her), banged me overshot subject and then led me in (not sure if subject talk influenced return). Second session Gryphon found subject, banged, and overshot re-find again (corrected with no audible clue)

08:27:15 07/14/2006 Jim:
07102006; burnsville park; 3 out of site run aways; gryphon dipped head and seemed to trail to get to subject; successful

07:16:06 06/27/2006 Jim:
06262006; St. James Church; 1 hour; two longer run aways; both successful

07:14:49 06/27/2006 Jim:
06242006; Beebe Lake; 3 hours; 3 short run aways; On second find Gryphon stopped game and started sniffing, previously Turbo did the same thing at location; not sure why; Wendy said she prefers subject to give treat; also socialized; cut short by lawn mower guy

12:02:01 06/21/2006 Jim:
06192006 St James Church; 1 hr; two run aways; began having handler carry reward instead of subject; successful

04:30:12 06/14/2006 Jim:
06132006 (previous should have been 06122006) Minnewashta; 2 hr; three run aways; longer distance returns; all successful; additional playground maneuvering and jumping practice

04:26:56 06/14/2006 Jim:
06132006 St James Church; 1 hr; on first run away Gryphon approached two bystanders, continued searching, returned to me and lead me to subject (possibly scent discriminating); Second run away nominal

05:08:24 06/06/2006 Jim:
06052006 St James Church; 1 hr; On the first runaway gryphon "found" someone getting out of car, instead of subject; tried again at what we thought was a less busy spot, Gryphon found subject, found two other people, banged when prompted, and reound subject. Third try we made sure area was clear and gryphon found,banged,refound as wanted; not sure what to do if Gryphon finds someone who isn't subject, especially if they are not participating in training

05:09:40 06/05/2006 Jim:
06032006 Otsego; 2 hours; 3 run aways

09:53:05 06/01/2006 Jim:
05312006 Backyard; 10 minutes; 3 runaways

04:30:45 05/31/2006 Jim:
05302006 Miiewashta;2 Hr; 60 ft. run aways;interupted by car; distracted by other dogs; had to prompt for bang.

06:45:31 05/30/2006 Jim:
05272006 St James Church; 4 Hr; Off-lead out-of-site run aways; Gryphon returned to handler after find without prompting

04:24:08 05/23/2006 Jim:
05222006 St James Church; 1 Hr; two off-lead out-of-site run aways; downwind gryphon ran an S pattern;briefly distracted by rabbit; successful

04:34:55 05/22/2006 Jim:
05202006 Alexandria; Attended MNSDN meeting and supported Goblin (Urban trail); no gryphon training

18:41:20 05/20/2006 Jim:
05192006 WI cabin; 1/2 Hr; two off lead run aways

19:00:55 05/16/2006 Jim:
05162006 Minnewashta; 1 Hr; Two on-lead runaways

17:35:15 05/15/2006 Jim:
05152006 St James Church;1 hr; 3 short run away

18:10:46 04/25/2006 Jim:
04242006 St James Church; three short run aways; 1 hr; successful
